Keith Lease
In our latest staff profile series, we feature Keith Lease!
What do you do on campus?
I am a Human Services Instructor
Where is your favorite place at Western?
I miss the office pods in Coleman where I’m surrounded by my colleagues. It can be a bit tight in there but I loved being able to connect with the other Human Service Instructors as well as all of the general studies faculty. I don’t know that I would have answered that the same way prior to Covid, but the couple of times I have been back on campus it made me realize how much I missed that part of my job.
What are your hobbies?
For those who have met me it probably doesn’t come as a surprise that I’m fairly hyperactive. Because of that I have gotten into physically demanding activities that help burn some of that energy off. I enjoy racing mountain bikes, half marathons, and triathlons. In normal times I also enjoy traveling across the country to do these things in different locations. There are so many beautifully stunning places and I love taking them all in!
Advice for students?
When I first attended college I thought it was like the movies where you roll out of bed and show up to class in your pajamas and if you attended half the classes you were doing what was expected. Today I would say that showing up to every class and engaging is the most important thing they can do. If a student is present, and involved we’ll do whatever it takes to help them understand the information and learn the skills. I know that’s not easy and 100% isn’t realistic most terms, but the closer we get to that, the better our chances.
Thank you, Keith!